Friday, 20 June 2014


Right out of the gate an Calvo Tenorio is attacking a beloved leader who accomplished more than Eddie Calvo ever could in a lifetime.
Let's be clear here. Eddie you wish you could have the record of Governor Camacho. A man, who like Governor Gutierrez, always puts the people of Guam first. He is a true man of faith who would get down on his knees and pray before making critical decisions. And always it was based on what is best for all the people of Guam. Unlike now, when decisions are made on whether the Calvo enterprise clan can bring in the most money, making millions more off the government every single day while we suffer.
SO, your campaign tactic is to attack this Great Leader? Right out of the gate? You are so proud of your new commercial attacking Governor Camacho that you posted it on your FB page and YouTube.
Click below for this sickening campaign commercial.
Calvo Bashes Governor Camacho
So Eddie, what happened to your promise to keep this campaign clean? Or does that not apply to great leaders who came before you? Instead of attacking Governor Camacho, why don't you learn from him? Learn how to be gracious, kind, caring, compassionate and a steward of the island and the government.

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