Thursday, 19 June 2014

Let me beat 10

 To the man drinking the Pepsi-Koolaide in this article - here is my list buddy. Glad you paid the back taxes on all your land. Most of us don't have that "problem" because we aren't rich enough to afford land. Here is my list you arrogant fool.

1. The Calvo Selectcare Contract has crushed the financial stability of this government making the Governor and his family millions of dollars while the rest of us suffer
 2. Department of Corrections - under this Administration the prison has been run into the ground, murderers escaping, guards being stabbed, civil Rights being violated. (See number 1 on why there is no money)
3. Too stubborn to follow previous governor's plan on Guam Museum so he moved it to Skinner Plaza against everyone's advice and now construction pilings are damaged and sinking into the swamp land. Wasting millions of dollars.
4. Guam police are being ignored and having to go to Department of Labor to file complaints to get their overtime.
5. Fred Bordallo chief of police is incompetent (see above) and is tearing apart the police morale
6. Port Authority of Guam fiasco
7. Crime is at an all-time high (see #5)
8. His borrowing to pay campaign promises has left this government to be burdened with a massive billions in debt for our children and grandchildren
9. Promises to fix GMH were false - Still crumbling, not enough beds, no doctors for house calls and he fired Bank of Guam President Lou Leon Guerrero who was doing a good job
10. Government contracts are being funneled to his family and even to his family through the lt governor's wife's law partner
11. Ray Tenorio. Enough said there.
12. His main achievements are cutting ribbons on projects began by previous governor's
13. He is not actually the Governor - his cousin and family runs this government.
14. More people are on welfare now under his Administration than ever before.
15. Broken promises such as his promise he wouldn't hire deputy directors. Funny. Some agencies even have 2 deputy directors.
16. Ray Tenorio. Yeah I know but it's worth repeating.
17. Tax credits being illegally given to companies affiliated with his family business empire further eroding our government finances but at least they are being investigated by the Feds
18. Giving raises to his directors who are already overpaid - political patronage at its best
19. Dirty dealings at the airport - okay everyone please say it together - LOTTE
20. If we give this man four more years the rich will continue to get richer while the poor will continue to suffer. The "haves" are the only ones that matter and the "have nots" are ignored.
21. Whistle blowers are retaliated against for speaking up
22. This governor and his cronies have instilled such a sense of fear into government workers that they are afraid to speak up. OUR PEOPLE SHOULD NEVER HAVE TO FEAR THEIR GOVERNMENT AND THEIR LEADERS.

There is so much more but I figured it is a good start.

 Did I mention Ray Tenorio?

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