Monday, 23 June 2014

The Gutierrez-Gumataotao game-changer

MONDAY, 23 JUN 2014 03:00AM


THE Gutierrez-Gumataotao team is now openly on the campaign trail. With about 130 days left to the general elections, this will be an abbreviated and intense campaign cycle. I attended the June 21 meeting, and it was a very nice and well-attended event. I took selfies with both Gutierrez and Gumataotao, and signed several petitions. By the way, I take selfies with all candidates and sign everyone’s petition.

In terms of a campaign strategy, the Gutierrez campaign will likely rely on an unconventional or special-operations model rather than a conventional campaign. By doing this, they will change the game. Special operations are low-cost alternatives to normal strategy. Before William McRaven was an admiral and in charge of the U.S. special operations community, he wrote a book in 1995 entitled, "Spec Ops: Case Studies in Special Operations Warfare Theory and Practice." In this case study-filled volume, McRaven lists the six important elements of a special operation as surprise, speed, purpose, security, repetition and simplicity.

In simplicity, the goals are to limit objectives, use good intelligence or information and also use innovation. In the coming months this design will become clear. In security, the goal is to limit information interface and limit external views or interference. In effect, this is like in poker where we don’t let others see our cards. In repetition, the key is practicing to the point that things are second nature and realistic preparation. This is often referred to as the “Gutierrez Machine” and to be frank, it is a well-organized structure with village-level depth. In surprise, the goal is striking at a place or time where the opponent is unprepared. The later-than-normal announcement and the lack of overt action by the Gutierrez camp are right out of Sun Tzu’s 550 B.C. treatise, The Art of War. “Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected.” Speed involves achieving objectives quickly and moving on using as few resources as possible to increase speed. Purpose involves a clear mission and personal commitment. There is no question of mission and commitment.

So the 2014 election cycle for governor will be different. There was abundant energy in the Gutierrez-Gumataotao camp on Saturday and this will also help the senatorial candidates. This really was a game-changing event for this election.

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